May 8, 2022


You see, in my humble opinion. One of the HARDEST things to master is your body, and more specifically your penis.

“What”,  you say?

“How the hell are those two things even comparable”?

Stay with me here….

You see, in my humble opinion. One of the HARDEST things to master is your body, and more specifically your penis.

If it was just “oh so easy”, then why are so many guys out there trying to score Viagra prescriptions at 25 years old?  And why are just as many girls in tears over the fact that their guy came in 23.7 seconds…

Well the answer is simple.

Control is not as easy as one would think.

And that goes for anything requiring technical skill of the body.

Hell all of us can hit a golf ball…but only Tiger Woods is getting it within 2 inches of the hole.

So Mastery of your penis IS DIFFICULT. Of that there is no debate...the science is in!


And because it requires dedication, it requires patience, it requires focus, it requires effort….

If you can achieve it….

Those skills will immediately impact the rest of your life. Because at your core, once you know that you’ve mastered and broken that wild stallion within your pants.

Then nothing about life can ever BREAK you.